Monday, May 17, 2010

Razor E300 Stand up Electric Scooter on sale

19% off Razor E300 Electric Scooter
Product Description
Travelling with power and style of this cool electric scooter by Razor. With a large deck and frame for riders over 12 years, The E300 can reach speeds of up to 15 mph through its high performance, ultra-quiet chain drive motor. The scooter also includes a pair of very large tires 10-inch tires for a smooth ride and zip in the district. Further details are variable speed acceleration, a twist-grip throttle and a rechargeable battery, up to 45 minutes of continuous operation per charge (which includes Battery lasts about eight hours to recharge). The battery charger and tools are included with the E300, though riders should be aware that some assembly is required.

Customer Reviews
Very well done, but low power
I bought this scooter for commuting to work. Battery life is not long enough as has been reported to transform a mile and a half blocks from the city. The only drawback is that there is no suspension. I learned my scooter twice a day for about six months without problems, and finally started the batteries, a lower fee and after that decided to take a series of replacement costs, take a different scooter. If the razor is never a 36V version with a fork and rear, I would buy. I had an engine problem, but the knife has a responsibility to the customer excellent service. and the problem was solved very quickly, for free.

Awesome scooter!
Works great! Had two months and our son of 11 years, uses at least three times a week. Your friends like it too! It takes at least an hour per charge and can easily go 50-10 miles on flat terrain before needing recharging. Follow the instructions and fully charged after each use.

SCOOTER RAZOR E300 High recommended
The E-300 razor scooter is the best choice for an easy going green, and prices increased fun.Gas and may still be ready and not spend thousands each year for gas and electricity for $ 50 a year ' electric energy

Great works
I bought this book as a "different" here in Iraq, all the other guys bike and I thought, what about a scooter so far other than rice get that works beautifully. I discovered that jumps when you follow the instructions and not try to go off sweet! " You must be just fine

Compare Price
Toys”R”Us           $249.99
Sports Authority   $239.99
Target                  $229.99
Kmart                  $229.99        $209.99 + Free Shipping  See more detail
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1 comments: on "Razor E300 Stand up Electric Scooter on sale"

scooter said...

I bought this Electric Scooter For Adults over a year ago. It is still going strong. This is probably one of the best purchases I have ever made.

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